Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Fraction of a Problem...

My wise tip of the day: Changing the blade on your rotary cutter is simply an amazing transformation.

Jenny, I have one block completely done and I really like how it turned out!! This is another favorite block of mine now (of course, wonky!) However after cutting everything out for block #2, I came up short by one 3 1/2 inch square. For a split second in desperation I considered combining all my little itty bitty scraps and make one 3.5 inch square but I think that would go far beyond wonky and enter into junky. So, I am sending you 1 and 8/9 of a block. Is that right? I have math problems. Literally.

Have a great weekend peeps!


Jenny said...

oh Carmen, thanks so much. Thank you for making the extra star and I am thrilled to add the last piece for the block. The stars look fantastic! Just want I am going for!! Thanks!!

Carmen Rigby-Willson said...

Glad you like! That tutorial was phenomenal. I am so happy you chose a wonky for me! lol

Iva said...

Carmen and Tonya, you ladies are really on top of things getting those blocks out already! You both did a great job.